Stokesia Mel’s Blue

An upright, clump forming semi-evergreen perennial with leathery, soft spiny dark green leaves. Large fringed violet-blue flowers are produced in throughout summer and autumn.

Botanical NameStokesia laevis
Common NameStoke’s aster
Key FeaturesLarge, shaggy, violet-blue flowers develop above rossette’s of soft lance like leaves over a long period which are held high on strong stems.
SizeGrowing to 60cm high and 45cm wide.
PositionAn extremely hardy plant which tolerates full sun, heat, humidity and coastal conditions. Frost hardy, in cool climates the plant will become dormant in winter.
Cultural NotesExtremely low maintenance, remove spent flower heads to encourage repeat flower.
Landscape Ideas A spectacular plant for borders, rockeries, lining garden beds or pathways and ideal in containers.
Water RequirementsLow
  • Great in pots or the garden.
  • Beautiful cut flower.
  • Attracts pollinators.
  • Superb used as a border planting.